I'll be honest. Ever since I glimpsed the Cake Book Tag on Paper Fury, I KNEW I WANTED IT. And lo and behold, the amazing Shar and Shanti have tagged me for a whole. post. on. CAKE.
Flour: A book that started slowly but turned out amazing.
Several cups of psychopaths, a pinch of unhealthy relationships, and ... lots and lots of diary entries. Of Gone Girl fame. I won't deny it, I LOVE this book, but it did drag a little at the beginning. The real fun starts when the eponymous girl shows up.Butter: A book that had a thick, rich plot.
Even more cups of psychopaths, a spoonful of ice zombies, and a dragon caketopper! I know you're probably sick of me ramble about this series, but no one can beat how layered these books are. Granted, it'll boggle your mind a little, but everything smooths out in glorious order.
Eggs: A book you thought would be bad but turned out great.
A gallon of beating hearts, a dash of terrorism, and just a pinch of religion. Unwind tackled all the right issues in all the right places and pulled all the right heartstrings. I was expecting some elements with horror and an ethics lecture. I WAS SO WRONG.
Sugar: A sugary, sweet book.
A base of political marriages, a sprinkle of teen romance, and a nice Tudor court setting. Yeah, I wasn't expecting something so NICE, considering how evil I am, but the romance managed to sort of interest me. Which is saying something, since I don't read much romance.Icing: A book that covered every single element that you enjoy about a book.
Stir in a few apocalypses, bake in the oven for years, and serve with Shakespeare. Fantabulous setting? Check. Fascinating secondary characters and subplots? Check. Morally grey villains? Check. It was one of the first books I read this year and absolutely fabulous.
I wanted to put another book here, actually. But it's coming up in a moment.
I wanted to put another book here, actually. But it's coming up in a moment.
Sprinkles: A book that always cheers you up.
Acquire oven of galaxy far far away, set timing to a long time ago, and add blue skin and red eyes. The Star Wars spin-off, The Thrawn Trilogy, is about the mopping-up action the Rebels face after killing Sidious (whoops, spoiler). They encounter Grand Admiral Thrawn, incredible tactician, art lover, and A BETTER VILLAIN THAN THE EMPEROR. I insist. I was rooting for this guy, dammit!
(And I also have a penchant for Pellaeon, Thrawn's second-in-command who ... worships his superior. Go forth, slashfic writers.)
(And I also have a penchant for Pellaeon, Thrawn's second-in-command who ... worships his superior. Go forth, slashfic writers.)
The Cherry on Top: Best book of the year so far.
3 kg of magic, a dash of sprinkles, and hide it with a colour-changing cape! I was going to put ADSOM under Icing, because Lila's sass destroyed me, the Londons enraptured me, and Holland broke my heart. But let's not fool ourselves; I still am suffering mild book hangover from this, so yeah. IT'S THE BEST.
Cupcakes: An awesome short with the epicness of a book.
This is my special addition, but hey, all cakes need a little innovation. The Lottery, which might have been The Hunger Games inspiration (I swear I read that somewhere?), is a fantastic dystopian story with lots of moral grey area and challenging superstition.
(My nominees are the same people as those for the blog award; scroll on!)
Addictive Blog Award
Thanks to Precious @ Clockwork Desires for nominating me for the Addictive Blog Award! Takeout is, of course, emotionally gratifying.
Thank the person awarding you.- Share a little about why you blog and how the journey started.
- Paste the blog award on your page.
- Nominate 10 other bloggers you feel deserve the award.
Goodness, this is embarrassing. It all started when I wrote a parody of a couple of poems, which I believe still languish in the archives. I randomly made up a blog title (which still languishes in the URL), customised a random theme, uploaded my parody, and waited for the crowds to flock here.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
The real journey began when I went to Figment, met a bunch of amazing people, and started to make my own way around the blogosphere. Eventually, we went from Random Morbid Insanity to Insanity Inc. to The Devil Orders Takeout, with all the styles of takeout you expect today.
Addictive blogs: fairy skeletons // Sometimes I'm A Story // Opal Swirls // Almost Completely Mad // To the Barricade // Six Impossible Things // Third Star to the Right // It Starts At Midnight // Bookish and Awesome // Teens Can Write, Too!