Delivery Fangirl is an original blog feature on The Devil Orders Takeout, featuring questions from my favourite books and movies, preferred headcanons, and the importance of diversity.
You all know I'm a huge fan of A Song of Ice and Fire. Now, no one in their sane mind would want to go to Westeros, but if I were so unlucky, here are 4 questions to explore and take full advantage of before the ice zombies come!
Psst, for non-ASOIAF readers, you're making a mistake. BUT, there will be no spoilers and you can still read all about my cold-heartedness in this crapsack world.
Psst, for non-ASOIAF readers, you're making a mistake. BUT, there will be no spoilers and you can still read all about my cold-heartedness in this crapsack world.
1. Which Westerosi House would you belong to?
You could always choose to be a commoner, but why would you do that? Personally, I'd definitely choose House Targaryen. I'd love to be as badass as Dany, of course, but even otherwise, there's something tempting about a royal dynasty, fallen or not. Fire and blood is also a great way to sum up my writing.
Also, dragons.
Although I quite like the Faceless Men and valar morghulis.
2. What are the colours of your dragon and its name?
To be honest, my dragon would be in the colours of this blog: crimson and cream, blood and ivory. (Yes, I just said the same thing twice in poetic terms. Go me!) There's something not so devilish there as red-and-black, but still with its own macabre elegance.
As for its name, I would either go with damask, which can mean pale red, a type of woven fabric, or a folded steel. (How fitting!) Or, I'd go for magnolia, which is the English name for the flower called Mulan in Chinese. I'm convinced you can guess why.
3. Which Valyrian sword would you own?
The art of making Valyrian steel was lost with Valyria, but there are still several Valyrian swords left in Westeros. Ice of House Stark, Longclaw with Jon Snow, Oathkeeper with Brienne, Widow's Wail with Joffrey, Heartsbane of House Tarly, Lady Forlorn with the Corbrays ... there are quite a lot for a supposedly lost art.
But I'd go for one not strictly Westerosi: The Dark Sister, first wielded by Visenya Targaryen, one of Aegon I's wives. I'm guessing it'll be at least easier for me to hold than those heavier longswords, and honestly, who needs a better predecessor than a dragon-riding queen?
4. Which Free City would you live in?
The hundred isles of Braavos in the sea, with its purple-sailed ships and the Titan's watchful gaze and the freaking House of Black and White. With its history of establishment by runaway slaves and its ports from Westeros and Essos both, I feel some kinship since Hong Kong is a former colony, a coastal city, and a prime example of East meeting West.
Although Volantis has its charms, with its political tigers and elephants.
It's your turn: answer these questions in the comments!
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