So basically I have ranted on the blog again and again about my new Camp NaNo WIP. And you shall be hearing more of Thomas and the crew, except ... it sort of became not about Thomas and the crew.
Curiously, I find myself more and more partial to the apparent antagonists in Matryoshka. Here's why they are my problematic faves:
Kim, our foreign justiciar
- Asian (Korean to be specific)
- DID I MENTION SHE'S KOREAN (and her culture influences her a lot)
- pretends to be stern but snarks at everyone
- is right 99% of the time
- but no one listens to her 'cos no one listens to the lady with the awesome dress
- did I mention she wears a hanbok? BECAUSE SHE DOES.
Mallister, our Prime Minister
- the most dignified tyrant of ever
- may be old but is still the best manipulative bastard in town
- even more than the actual bastard Thomas
- loves his missing daughter (Shadowplay readers, do not spoil who she is)
- is (platonically) fond of Kim, no matter what he says
Rosalin, the resident Cinderella
- by Cinderella I mean she's kind and no one gives her credit
- lost an arm and is still Mallister's technical deputy
- literally gives everyone a chance
- is friends with Kim and in a better book, i.e. not mine, they would rule together
Do you prefer heroes to villains, protagonists to antagonists? Or are you secretly evil like me? I MUST KNOW. Comment away.
Twitter-sized takeout: