Liebster & Infinity Dreams Award + Blogging Community Tag

SO. Today I am here to do a few long-neglected tags and awards, with copious gifs and gratitude. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

First off, thank you to Opal for nominating me for the Liebster + Infinity Dreams Award! I am to link to her, which I have done, answer 11 questions, and tag 11 people.

1. What do you miss about your childhood? Having enough time to sleep, no question.

2. Lots of friends or a few good friends? But why can't I have lots of quite-good friends and a few extremely-good friends? Why do you assume people with large social circles don't have deep intepersonal relationships? Because I think they do, it's just I don't have large social circles.
3. Winter evenings or Summer mornings? Winter evenings. I cannot tolerate the heat.

4. Coast or inland? Coast, definitely! The sea is a lovely monster of epic proportions.

5. Where and what would your dream house be like? It would belong to me and have appropriate hygiene conditions and enough space, and really, that's an impossible dream in Hong Kong.

6. Do you tend to organise or leave mess? ALL THE MESS. (I'd show you a photo, but I can't find my phone in the mess.)
7. What sort of music do you like? All the Star Wars soundtracks, absolutely. I also love a smattering of Taylor Swift and The Civil Wars and Lorde. Imagine Dragons and One Republic, sometimes.

8. Do you have any pets? I have Matryoshka, the WIP I'm sure you've heard a lot about if you've been here for any length of time.
9. Do you live in the country or city? City! I am a proud resident of Hong Kong and a city girl through and through.

10. Do you play an instrument? If so, what? I used to play the harp. Now I try to play my readers like a fiddle.

11. Would you like to visit New Zealand someday? I have, actually! ... I was in the Auckland airport for a transit. Hehe.

I'm not tagging anyone for this one, but I will tag people for the next one, so scroll on :)

Next up, we have the blogging community tag created by Jo! Thank you for creating such a lovely tag and nominating me :D :D We are to nominate awesome bloggers in several categories.
Dedicated blogger?

Aimee @ Deadly Darlings and her co-bloggers definitely take this one -- they post like every day and with amazing quality.

Blog with nice design?

I'm going cheat slightly here and nominate a journal instead of a blog: Half Mystic is a music independent journal by the lovely Topaz Winters. Her aesthetic taste is off the charts.

Awesome review/book blog?

Bookish and Awesome is one of the best book blogs out there—it's only been around since February, but Shelumiel is a wonderful blogger (who supports LGBT+ books SO MUCH, yay!) and basically convinced me to read my first ever contemporary, Simon Vs. Moral of the story: Listen to Shelumiel and eat Oreos.
Deep and thoughtful blogger?

Opal @ Opal Swirls offers up philosophy, often with a side dash of humour. I'm not much of a Deeper Meanings in Life person, but her thoughts are so relatable.

A blog you always enjoy reading?

Christina @ fairy skeletons literally writes awesome posts every time. It's a smattering of her own writing and other people's writings and writing tips and tricks and they are all. so. fabulous.

Blogger with a great sense of humour?

Heather @ Sometimes I'm A Story takes the crown here. Her humour is basically based on mashing incompatible subjects together into something compatible, and her writing style is so distinctive. It's weird and wonderful.
Blog that inspires you?

Topaz @ Six Impossible Things (aka the founder of Half Mystic mentioned above), no question. First off, she writes wonderful words that should not even be legal because they challenge my Twitter blurbing skills so much. Every line deserves to be quoted. And she has a weekly poetry series. On top of that, she shares her experience with mental illness on the blog, and really she's an amazing person and you should check her out now.

I tag everyone who I nominated above! Have fun, remember to use the tag image above, and nominate people for all seven categories :D If you feel like it, that is.

I have a couple more unanswered tags/awards, which I shall do soon. I PROMISE.

Do you share any of my answers to the questions? And give a shout-out to a blogger in the comments!

Find out even more about me by signing up for monthly letters from me to you!


  1. I really love how you described the sea. I completely agree with you! (Also, thanks for helping me find a bunch of cool blogs!)

    1. Ha, thank you, Madilyn! Do enjoy your stroll around the blogosphere :)

  2. Ugh, I miss getting enough sleep, too. :( And tell me about not tolerating the heat! It is miserably hot here. MISERABLY. I long for the night but even then it's not cool enough. I also like your dream house, although I think it would not be hard for me to find such a house. AFFORDING ONE ON THE OTHER HAND? *falls and dies* I'm realizing that I just need to follow Bookish and Awesome already, and I am completely in agreement on the rest, especially Opal and Topaz. They are excellent at what they do! Also, thanks for the shout-out! :) I'm glad that my sense of humor is making others smile. Excellent tagging stuff, Alyssa!

    1. The air-con is my life saviour this summer :S And yes, it's not hard to FIND the house, but seriously, why so expensive :$ :$ Bookish and Awesome is fab, although I think it's on hiatus lately. Your sense of humour is the best :)

  3. I love the beach! I always have, and I've been missing it SO MUCH lately. Too bad summer's practically over :) I've visited a couple of cities (I LOVE New York) but at heart I think I'm more of a country girl. I like my space. Great post!

    1. I'm really only a city girl because I'm terrified of nature. *darts away from spider on the wall* I just need my Wi-Fi, haha XD

  4. :') Thank you for doing the tag and for the shoutout :) And you used to play the harp? Thats awesome!

    1. You're very welcome! And yes, but now I no longer have the time :(

  5. I didn't even know that you could transit at the Auckland airport. Where were you going? I prioritise sleep, possibly too much, but I miss... speaking more hindi and spending more time with my family, I guess? And I have in fact visited New Zealand (on accout of living there for half my life) I'm also quite messy- I use the "dump the stuff on the bed on the floor then dump the stuff on the floor on the bed" method, and it's very effective. Winter evenins are excellent. I like the wild ocean on the coast and the inland mountains

    1. Shar said the exact same thing, ha! Sisters do think the same things :) I was heading to Argentina, so I needed to get to the southern hemisphere first XD Oh, it's a shame you haven't had time to speak hindi and spend time with your family, because those must be really important for you. Your method sounds like the most effective :)

  6. I love the bit about not being able to take a picture of the mess because you lost your phone in the mess--that pretty much sums up my life. Also, I seriously love all the music you mentioned, and that's wicked cool that you used to play the harp. Also, even though I'm not sure I could live in Hong Kong since I'm not one for crowds, I think it's really great that you like it. Although it's sad that you wouldn't be able to get your dream house there.

    1. I'm glad it sums up your life, and I wish I could say it summed up my life, but spoiler, I have no life really. *gasp* Yeah, aside from the money issues and the political issues, I do quite like this city.

  7. This is so fun! I am with you- I totally miss sleeping all the time. I would give anything to be not tired for any length of time! I am a mess too- I do not organize things ever, and I may be a mild hoarder because there is just... stuff everywhere! I don't think I could handle the city life of Hong Kong. I can visit cities but then I need to come back to my stupid area that has no people and nothing to do ;) But visiting Hong Kong would be amazing!!!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. See, people like us wouldn't have a problem if we were allowed to sleep all day, since then we wouldn't do anything to make a mess. But no, society forces us into this vicious cycle :S I'm kind of mildly terrified about nature, just because ARGH SPIDERS.

  8. I try to play my readers like a fiddle, I laughed way too hard at that.

  9. Twitter blurbing skills should totally go on your CV. And YAY someone else who can't stand the heat. I swear every time I'd have a day to do something for university it's randomly over 30 degrees and I just lie there trying not to move. "Appropriate hygiene conditions" is SUCH an instant sell haha. That should be a given in your dream house, DREAM BIGGER; Alyssa. :D

    1. That is clearly the most important qualification. And gah, no, I cannot move in the heat. Global warming is too horrific. Haha, I think I'll just study in university for the rest of my life and stay in the dorms XD XD

  10. Thank you, Shar! I normally don't clear it all up, just toss aside the things I don't want to clear my desk partially. And oh, I nominated the people I gave a shout out in the blogging community tag.

    I was going to Argentina from Hong Kong, so I needed to drop down to the southern hemisphere XD Yeesh, how can people be so rude? Australia is so hardcore and awesome :D

  11. OMG I THINK YOU JUST WON FOR GIFING SKILLS HERE, THO. Particularly the #cookie one. And WIPs are totally pets. Or babies. OR LITTLE LOVEABLE DEMONS. *hugs evil WIPs* And Heather and Aimee and Shelumiel are all AWESOME.

    1. OMG THANK YOU because I kind of see you as the giffing queen. Bucky is the best giffing material though. THEY ARE THE MOST LITTLE LOVEABLE DEMONS. And argh, yes, the book blogosphere is TOO AMAZING.

  12. Oh my GOODNESS YOU MARVELLOUS HUMAN BEING THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU. It is rather difficult to convey how big I'm smiling right now. Honestly, you deserve ALL the cheesecake. (And takeout, obviously, but since you are already the purveyor of takeout, I will go with the former instead.) Also, the dragons send through their thanks for your lovely words about 6IT, specifically - they take great pride in keeping things running, so they were rather excited to hear that you appreciate it. ;)

    (PS: Whenever you say nice things about my writing I just flail so hard, because you are basically the most gorgeous writer I have ever had the privilege of meeting. So. There's that, too.)

    1. You're very, very welcome! *happily accepts cheesecake* Your comment was also hugely smile-inducing, as your words always are, so have some takeout too. Took me ages to figure out what 6IT meant, and now it feels like the best acronym ever.



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